3.2.11 Export Images
The export images menu allows the user to export data to other software packages. This is recommended, for example, if the user would like to use DIFF_PREP to correct for image artifacts, and then perform tractography with FSL. All of these options should create a new directory in your proc directory, containing the appropriate new files.

- RAW FSL-LIKE SORTED: Creates a 4D analyze file containing all of the diffusion weighted images, with b0 images first, followed by DWIs. It also creates bvecs and bvals with b0 entries first. text files as required by FSL. If you have created a mask with the mask raw images button, then it should also output a mask image. This output can also easily be input into Camino.
- RAW FSL_LIKE UNSORTED: The same as above, but it leaves the images in the original order.
- RAW INVERT SLICE ORDER: TORTOISE expects data to be acquired in the standard IS (inferior to superior, or bottom to top) order. If your data was acquired SI (i.e. top to bottom), you can select this option to change the order of the slices within your raw data.
- PROCESSED FOR TRACKVIS: Outputs the tensor quantities for input into Trackvis for fiber tractography.
- NRRD TENSOR: Outputs the tensor image in NRRD format for use with Slicer
- DTITK TENSOR: Outputs the tensor image for input into DTI-TK for tensor registration.
- VTK TENSOR: Outputs the tensor image in VTK tensor format, for use in Slicer.
- FA and VEC for DTI Studio: Outputs the FA map and eigenvectors for performing tractography in MRI Studio
- AFNI: Outputs FA, MD, Trace, eigenvalues in nii format, for use in AFNI.
- DONE: Click this when you are finished exporting your data.
The following section gives details on how to export to FSL.