3.1.3 From Command Line
It is easiest to run the software from the GUI, which will automatically create your data description file, however, if you require command line usage, the following will describe the steps.
Copy the text from the previous page and use it as a template to manually create your own data description file. Simply fill in the required information (Procbase, structural file, list file and registration settings file) and save it to a convenient location, generally within your procbase.
Once the data properties file is created and all the registration settings are as desired (Registration Settings) the program can simply be run from the IDL command line by typing (assuming that the name of the data properties file is sample.xml):
IDL> diffprep, '/home/username/main_data_folder/specific_data_folder/sample.xml'
If everything is done right, the program should start spitting out information in the command prompt and status report window.