This document outlines the steps needed for upgrading to the newest version of the NIHDMC software.
- Open ~/.aliases in a text editor. Add the following line, or if this alias already exists, please edit it to match the following:
alias nihdmcs 'cd /raid3/STBBapps/NIH_DMC_source_05_30_2008'
- Once this alias has been updated, open a new terminal and type nihdmcs. Make sure that your present working directory is correct.
pwd /raid3/STBBapps/NIH_DMC_source_05_30_2008
- The sample_registration_settings.xml file is now named sample_registration_settings.dmc. Please use the .dmc extension so that the registration_settings file can be easily separated from the DTI configuration files.
- The data description file has one new tag that looks like this:
<!-- A tag for specifying if the data is brain or a phantom/other type of data-->
<!-- If it's not brain data, skull stripping will be omited in various functions of the code. -->
<!--Values are yes/no-->
The default value is yes.