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3.2.1 Sample Registration Settings File

<!-- DTI data initialization file-->
<!-- do not remove the above comment line -->
<!-- Effect. Specifies which undesirable effects will be corrected-->
<!-- rigid, rigid body motion correction-->
<!-- motion_distortion, rigid body motion and eddy current distortion correction-->

<!-- Perform motion and eddy distortion correction on DWI data.-->
<!-- on: perform motion and eddy distortion correction - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED-->
<!-- off: no registration will be done to align different DWI volumes to the-->
<!-- template image. Intended for quick testing purposes of the data only-->

<!-- Smoothing prior to registration. Specify whether or not to smooth the-->
<!-- source and target images prior to registration (the final output-->
<!-- however, will not be smoothed). This is a good idea if performing the-->
<!-- correction with the 2D approach-->

<!-- Smoothing algorithm. Will take effect only if <smoothing> is on-->
<!-- gaussian, gaussian-->
<!-- PM, Perona-Malik, gradient based anisotropic filtering-->
<!-- area, Perona-Malik, favoring large areas-->

<!-- gaussian_variance_text: Gaussian variance. Will take effect only if <smoothing> is on and-->
<!-- <smoothing_algorithm> is set to gaussian-->

<!-- Kappa parameter. Will take effect if <smoothing> is on and the algorithm-->
<!-- is PM or area. Will also take effect if <automatic_kappa> is off-->

<!-- Automatically compute noise. Computes the mean and standard deviation for-->
<!-- both the structural and the template image-->
<!-- Syntax: on or off-->
<!-- If off noise values must be provided in the data description file-->

<!-- Automatic kappa parameter. Determines the kappa value used for smoothing-->
<!-- during automatic noise computation-->
<!-- on, value is automatically determined - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED-->
<!-- off, the value specified in <kappa> will be used-->

<!--Verbose level-->

<!--Number of bins. Used to compute normalized mutual information-->

<!--Final diffusion weighted image output resolution (value in mm)-->

<!--Final structural image output resolution (value in mm)-->

<!-- Obtain bounding box based on FSL mask. Performs brain extraction with FSL s-->
<!-- bet tool and computes a bounding box for the brain to be used in the-->
<!-- registration process-->
<!-- on or off-->

<!-- Rigid registration of structural to template image might fail even with-->
<!-- initial global search on. If that is the case, turn this tag on to use-->
<!-- ITKs registration pipeline instead of diff_prep to register the structural-->
<!-- image to the template-->
<!-- on or off-->

<!-- Initial rigid body global search. Brings the template image into rough-->
<!-- alignment with the structural image. Recommended for data with large-->
<!-- rotational differences between the template and structural images-->
<!-- on or off-->

<!-- Upsampling options-->
<!-- off: no upsampling-->
<!-- all: upsampling in all directions-->
<!-- slice_only: upsampling in slice direction only-->
<!-- b0_crop: does not do upsampling but does b0 extraction and cropping-->
<!-- If off than template image must be specified in data description file-->
<!-- If value entered does not match any of the above, it defaults to all-->

<!--Upsampling factor-->

<!-- Upsampling method. Determines the algorithm to use for upsampling-->
<!-- Will take effect only if <upsampling> is all or slice_only-->
<!-- nearest: nearest neighbor-->
<!-- linear-->
<!-- bicubic-->

<!--Scale diffusion intensity. Regular MRI and DTI signal intensities are on-->
<!--the order of 10^3 and this software works best in this range-->
<!--If the data in consideration has a different range, this "scale factor" can-->
<!--be used to scale the signal intensities by a constant during the upsampling-->
<!--Will take effect if <upsampling> is all or slice_only-->
<!--Integer values expected. Default value is 1 for no scaling-->

<!--Desired FOV. Applied to template image during cropping (value in mm)-->

<!-- Perform EPI distortion correction with B-Spline registration. Steps 3 and 4-->
<!-- on or off-->

<!--B-Spline grid resolution. Determines grid size of the B-Spline registration-->
<!--Will only take effect when <bspline_EPI_correction> is on-->
<!--Integer values generally ranging from 5 to 20 -->

<!-- Activates the second order Eddy current transformations for-->
<!-- registering the B0 to the structural image -->
<!-- for better initialization of B-Splines registration-->

<!-- Turns on the higher order registration terms for B=0 images.-->
<!-- Normally, these images should only require rigid terms to be registered to the first B0 volume-->
<!-- In case the data is a multi-series data with different scales for B=0 images-->
<!-- this can be turned on to correct for the scale/shear differences on B=0 images.-->

<!-- The output structural and tempalte images will be in the chosen format-->
<!-- Either ANALYZE or NIFTI…-->

<!-- Output Endianism. The desired endianism of the output images-->
<!-- big or little-->

<!-- On to write the noise variance image computed through-->
<!-- many interpolation and transformation steps-->

<!-- On : automatically compute the noise spatial correlation from the data-->
<!-- Off: Use the correlation matrix in Gustavo Rohde paper-->

<!--Start at step. See FAQ for description of each step -->
<!-- 0, 3, 4, 5 -->

<!--Stop at step. See FAQ for description of each step -->
<!-- 2, 3, 4, 5 -->

<!-- Keep step 4 outputs.-->
<!-- on: keep files-->
<!-- off: delete files-->

<!-- Keep ALL the intermediate, generated data.These include-->
<!-- Upsampled original data, Eddy & motion corrected data-->
<!-- on: keep files-->
<!-- off: delete files-->